Collabtrans - переведи свой проект на любой язык!

See where the translation will be
Some words have different meanings in the way/field you use that word.
It will be helpful to see where the translation is going to be, like an "iframe" in the right yellow panel who becomes visible when you select a row. (or activate the link to the url's who have that word, opening it in a modal window)
It will be a lot of help to choose the correct form for the translation.
Thank you!

E-mail notifications of new strings available for translation
It would be welcome if translators could subscribe to notifications of new strings to be localized in a certain file from their translate-dashboard.
(for instance with a simple checkbox available on each line of any file list: e.g. here )
This way, they could react as soon as possible when new strings are added to the base language and that needs to be translated...

Informal vs normal translations

Top menu is not usable in iPad
When I click on the top menu (using Safari in iPad) the (submenu) appears on the screen, but I can't press on it, if I press on it, it disappears, and the click is passed to area underneath the (submenu).

Improve search field (to target language)
When translating the base language (English) into a target language, the "Search" field is useful to find a special text in the base language.
But there seems to be no way to search in the target language existing strings.
Then, this would be very welcome to have a "switch" telling if you want to search in the base language, or in the target language.

Перевод на литовский
Добавьте, пожалуйста, на возможность перевести интерфейс Userecho на литовский.

Flag for Arabic is not for any Arabic Country
The flag of the Arabic language is not for any of the Arabic countries, Saudi Arabia flags is usually used for the Arabic Language.

Sorry for late answer,
We've replaced the flag for this language.

We have added Georgian section, so you can participate and suggest a translations.

Greek translation
Сервис поддержки клиентов работает на платформе UserEcho