Collabtrans - translate your project to any languages!

Latest updates 17

Under review

Informal vs normal translations

Robert 9 years ago updated by Sergey Stukov 2 years ago 2

Перевод на литовский

Sergey 6 years ago updated by Vladimir Mullagaliyev 6 years ago 2

Improve search field (to target language)

Ryann 11 years ago updated by Лена Швыдкая 8 years ago 1

Popular topics 17


See where the translation will be

Jordi Escudé Gòdia 11 years ago updated by Bernard Trinh 9 years ago 0
Under review

Informal vs normal translations

Robert 9 years ago updated by Sergey Stukov 2 years ago 2

Currently in progress 0

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